Java Programming

5.2 Switch statement

A switch statement is used instead of nested if…else statements. It is multiple branch decision statement.
A switch statement tests a variable with list of values for equivalence. Each value is called a case. The case value must be a constant i.

case constant:
//sequence of optional statements
break; //optional
case constant:
//sequence of optional statements
break; //optional
default : //optional
//sequence of optional statements

Individual case keyword and a semi-colon (:) is used for each constant.
Switch tool is used for skipping to particular case, after jumping to that case it will execute all statements from cases beneath that case this is called as ”Fall Through”.

In the example below, for example, if the value 2 is entered, then the program will print two one something else!

case 4: System.out.println(”four”);
case 3: System.out.println(”three”);
case 2: System.out.println(”two”);
case 1: System.out.println(”one”);
default: System.out.println(”something else!”);

To avoid fall through, the break statements are necessary to exit the switch.
If value 4 is entered, then in case 4 it will just print four and ends the switch.

The default label is non-compulsory, It is used for cases that are not present.

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