Java Programming

13.2 Byte Stream

ByteStream classes are to provide an surrounding to handle byte-oriented data or I/O.
ByteStream classes are having 2 abstract class InputStream & OutputStream.
These two abstract classes have several concrete classes that handle various devices such as disk files, network connection etc.

– It is an abstract class in which defines an interface known as Closable interface.
– Methods in this class will throw an IOException.

– It is an abstract class in which defines an interface known as Closable & Flushable interface.
– Methods in this class returns void and throws IOException.

methods by InputStream abstract class
int read()
it returns integer of next available input of bye

int read(byte buffer[ ])
it read up to the length of byte in buffer

int read(byte buffer[ ], int offset, int numBytes)
it read up to the length of byte in buffer starting form offset

int available()
It gets the no.of bytes of input available.

void reset()
it reads the input pointer.

long skip(long numBytes)
it returns the bytes ignored.

void close()
close the source of input.

methods by OutputStream abstract class
void write(int b)
it writes a single byte in output.

void write(byte buffer[ ])
it write a full array of bytes to an output stream

void write(byte buffer[ ], int offset, int numBytes)
it writes a range of numBytes from array buffer starting at buffer offset.

void close()
close the source of output

void flush()
it marks a point to input stream that will stay valid until numBytes are read.

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